71 research outputs found

    Cenário RCP de alta resolução para o século 21 na região Noroeste do Marrocos, projeções futuras para 2041-2060, 2061-2080 e 2081-2100

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    Climate model simulations of future climate are the basis for adaptation decisions, which the effectiveness will depend on the quality of the models. A set of climate models developed under the CMIP6 project and generated by the spatial bias correction disaggregation method (BCSD) using a statistical downscaling algorithm have been used. These models are used to evaluate the future changes in thermal extremes projected by the climate models over the different time horizons with comparison to the 1981-2000 reference period. These projections are made under the scenario RCP 4.5 (optimistic). The examination of future climate change projections could confirm the result of warming over the entire North West region of Morocco. The increase in temperature could reached an average of 1.8 °C to 2.5 °C just in 2060. In the same sense of warming, the number of hot days and hot nights could increase year by year while a decrease could be noticed in the number of cold days and cold nights. The simulations for the 2080 and 2100 horizons revealed a situation that worsens year by year. The temperature anomaly could reached about 3 °C and more. Thus, a climatic warming may be predicted in the future and generalized over the entire North West region.Las simulaciones de modelos climáticos del clima futuro son la base para las decisiones de adaptación, cuya efectividad dependerá de la calidad de los modelos. Se utilizó un conjunto de modelos climáticos desarrollados en el marco del proyecto CMIP6 y generados por el método de desagregación de corrección de sesgo espacial (BCSD) utilizando un algoritmo estadístico de reducción de escala. Estos modelos se utilizan para evaluar los cambios futuros en los extremos térmicos proyectados por los modelos climáticos en diferentes horizontes temporales en comparación con el período de referencia 1981-2000. Estas proyecciones se realizan bajo el escenario RCP 4.5 (optimista). Examinar las proyecciones del cambio climático futuro puede confirmar el resultado del calentamiento en toda la región noroeste de Marruecos. El aumento de temperatura podría alcanzar un promedio de 1,8 °C a 2,5 °C solo en 2060. En la misma dirección del calentamiento, el número de días y noches calurosos podría aumentar año tras año, mientras que se puede observar una disminución en el número de días y noches fríos. noches frías Las simulaciones para los horizontes 2080 y 2100 revelaron una situación que se agrava año tras año. La anomalía de temperatura puede alcanzar alrededor de 3 °C y más. Por lo tanto, el calentamiento climático puede predecirse en el futuro y generalizarse en toda la región del Noroeste.Simulações de modelos climáticos do clima futuro são a base para decisões de adaptação, cuja eficácia dependerá da qualidade dos modelos. Foi utilizado um conjunto de modelos climáticos desenvolvidos no âmbito do projeto CMIP6 e gerados pelo método de desagregação de correção de viés espacial (BCSD) usando um algoritmo estatístico de redução de escala. Esses modelos são usados para avaliar as mudanças futuras nos extremos térmicos projetados pelos modelos climáticos ao longo dos diferentes horizontes temporais em comparação com o período de referência 1981-2000. Essas projeções são feitas sob o cenário RCP 4.5 (otimista). O exame das projeções de mudanças climáticas futuras pode confirmar o resultado do aquecimento em toda a região Noroeste do Marrocos. O aumento da temperatura pode atingir uma média de 1,8 °C a 2,5 °C apenas em 2060. No mesmo sentido do aquecimento, o número de dias e noites quentes pode aumentar ano a ano enquanto uma diminuição pode ser observada no número de dias frios e noites frias. As simulações para os horizontes 2080 e 2100 revelaram uma situação que se agrava ano a ano. A anomalia de temperatura pode atingir cerca de 3 °C e mais. Assim, um aquecimento climático pode ser previsto no futuro e generalizado em toda a região Noroeste

    Influence of Fluoride Addition on Hydroxyapatite Prepared for Medical Applications

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    In this study, hydroxyapatite (HAP, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) has been prepared as bioceramic material with biological specifications useful to used for orthopedic and dental implant applications. Wet chemical processing seems to form the fine grain size and uniform characteristic nanocrystalline materials by the interstice factors controlling which affected the grain size and crystallinity in order to give good mechanical and/or constituent properties similar as natural bone. Fluorinated hydroxyapatite [4-6 wt% F, (FHA, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2–Fx] was developed in new method for its posses to increased strength and to give higher corrosion resistance in biofluids than pure HAP moreover reduces the risk of dental caries. The phase's and functional groups characterizations XRD & FTIR reveled the purity of the product and its free of other phases, while the morphology tests showed the compound homogeneity as fluoride interpenetrated in the compound lattice net

    Myths and Legends in High-Performance Computing

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    In this thought-provoking article, we discuss certain myths and legends that are folklore among members of the high-performance computing community. We gathered these myths from conversations at conferences and meetings, product advertisements, papers, and other communications such as tweets, blogs, and news articles within and beyond our community. We believe they represent the zeitgeist of the current era of massive change, driven by the end of many scaling laws such as Dennard scaling and Moore's law. While some laws end, new directions are emerging, such as algorithmic scaling or novel architecture research. Nevertheless, these myths are rarely based on scientific facts, but rather on some evidence or argumentation. In fact, we believe that this is the very reason for the existence of many myths and why they cannot be answered clearly. While it feels like there should be clear answers for each, some may remain endless philosophical debates, such as whether Beethoven was better than Mozart. We would like to see our collection of myths as a discussion of possible new directions for research and industry investment
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